Solera Canada’s Audatex Estimating makes it easier to record betterments and appearance allowances, which results in more accurate estimates and reduced average severity. The latest numbers back this up: Audatex’s estimates are over three times more likely to have betterments, and twice as likely to have appearance allowances (compared to[…]
data dive
Why do supplement costs more than double for non-drives?
Of course, one expects the overall costs of appraisal to go up for non-driveable repairs. But we noticed that both supplement probability and costs also increased. Some of this must have to do with the nature of non-drives, but estimate accuracy is also a major factor in supplement outcomes. Thus[…]
Data dive: seasonal trends in replace versus repair decisions
Are busy times (e.g. the winter) more likely to see replace versus repair choices? In short: yes. As automation continues to pervade the estimating process, the estimator faces fewer decisions. Reminders, compliance rules, audit tools and even mandatory fields are all designed to lead the estimator down the path of[…]