Solera Canada



Clearly communicate vehicle inspection results to your customers


A personalized digital inspection summary report integrates with the AccessPoint tool to deliver updates straight to your motorist via text or e-mail. This empowers your customer to make decisions on repair approvals using instructive articles, videos and photo comparisons. Through the use of informative tools, the platform supports your service recommendations and generates greater upsell revenue.

Know Your Vehicle Report

Provide your customer with a summary of the service visit. This is designed to bring your customer up to speed about your service recommendations while also educating them on the value of proper maintenance. This tool adds credibility and support to your service recommendations, and provides your clients reminders regarding upcoming services.

Action Pan

Provide your client with a customized presentation informing them of the condition of their vehicle and services that to be done in the near future. This report summarizes inspection results and puts the purchasing decision in your customer’s hands.

Customer called us to talk about this. The Action Plan definitely makes it easier for our advisors to make the sale.

—Steve Day, Service Manager, Joe Machens BMW

Our Clients


Streamline your claims process with our integrated solutions for insurers. Learn how to improve accuracy, drive efficiency and increase customer satisfaction at each step in the claims process.

Body Shop

Run a more profitable, productive business. Learn how to work more effectively with your insurance partners, streamline the claims process and exceed your customers’ expectations.

Auto Dealer

Reach qualified buyers easily and quickly. Learn how to get vehicle buyers delivered directly to your inbox.


Save time and simplify parts purchasing. Learn how to quickly source recycled, aftermarket and OE parts.